Mathematical Analysis

Liu and Mollo-Christensen (1988) developed an analytical approach to the problem of wave propagation under an ice pack.  They began with the usual expected solution of the form:

n(x,t) = a sin (kx - wt)

wherein n = vertical displacement of the ice-water interface, a = amplitude of the wave, k = wave number, x = distance covered by the wave, w = frequency of the wave and t = time.  They considered the ice to be a thin and plastic surface of thickness = h on the sea, using the work of previous investigators to quantify the dispersion relation of waves moving under the ice pack.  The resulting dispersion relation was:

w2 (t) = ( gk + Bk5 - Qk3) / ( 1 + kM )

when k5 = the 5th power of k, B = the effect on frequency of bending, Q = the effect of compression and M = the effect of the inertia of the ice.  These terms are, in turn, expressed:

B = Eh3 / 12 (1 - s2) rw,

                                                                 Q = Ph / rw,     

M = ri h / rw

with E = Young's modulus for ice elasticity, ~ 6 x 10e9 , rw = density of water = 1025 kg/m3, ri = density of ice = .9 rw and 10e9 = 10 to the 9th power.  The important aspect of their findings is that frequency is proportional to several powers of h (ice thickness.)  Thus, as ice thickens, the higher the frequency of the waves beneath.  Given a constant frequency, wave length would increase in open water, all other conditions being roughly equal.

Liu and Mollo-Christensen's analysis suggested that long waves (with a wavelength of 500 m or more) didn't "feel" the ice pack on the surface;  rather, the ice floats as though it were a field of small, thin rigid plates.  Shorter wave length seas cause the ice to flex, absorbing energy from the sea and swell.  In the case of low amplitude, long wavelength seas, the pack ice can be regarded as a thin film with very limited strength, afloat on and at the mercy of a restless ocean.

G. de Q. Robin (1963) investigated movement of waves under pack ice in the Weddell Sea, as observed on the R. R. S. John Biscoe.  He concluded, similar to Liu and Christensen, that fields of floes 40 m or less in diameter absorbed little of the energy of the ocean.  G. de Q. Robin determined that the wave energy transmitted under an ice field was proportional to the 4th power of the wavelength and inversely to the 3rd power of the ice thickness -- L4 / h3. Clearly, long waves carry the energy, and they carry a lot of it.
