

A quick recap on rotation.  Without rotation our system (the Frisbee) would simple pitch and plummet without an added angular velocity.  This angular velocity turns the unstable pitching action into a stabilizing precession rate. 

The rotation of the system does not any component to the lift force, but it does add various other factors to the Frisbee's flight besides the precession rate.  One of these is Angular Momentum.


A properly constructed disc has the majority of its mass around the circumference of the rim.  We can generalize the Frisbee then to have the general likeness of a ring rotating about its center with radius (r).


Using this, we can calculate the Moment of Inertia of the disc. (5)



The equation for Angular Momentum resides on the left. We can see that the only item in the equation that we can very is the omega (the odd looking "w"), which if you remember is the angular velocity (the spin) given to the disk.


Now, why do we care about the angular momentum?  Well, with the momentum gained from the angular velocity  the disc will resist any angular movement and try to continue on the path which it was launched.  Now you might ask where do these crazy angular movements come from?  Well remember that the center of lift is forward of the center of mass.  Because of this there will be moments acting on the system.

Moments?  Well you can think of a rusty bolt and a crescent wrench.  The longer the lever arm acting on the bolt, the more force you can put on it.  Now try to apply this line of thinking to the center of mass of the Frisbee and the center of lift, along with the angular velocity.  Now there are all kinds of lever arms!

Now lets pick a coordinate system we can use.  We will use a system where the Z axis comes straight out of the center of mass, pointing up.  The X and Y axis will be on the surface of the disk.  None of the axes will rotate along with the disk.  The sums of the moments corresponding to their respective axes are shown to the right.  These are by definition.  (5)

We will not go into solving these equations here, but I will say that we would take the time derivative of the moment about the Z axis with respect to time would be zero due to the coordinate system we have chosen.





