Source of Tsunami
subduction zones(where an oceanic plate subsides under the
continental plate)
- Subtion zones have a number of earthquakes. When an
earthquake occur in the sea and large areas of the sea
floor eleveate or subside, a tsunami can be generated
-collapse of all or part of the volcanic edifice, subsidence,
an explosion, a landslide, and an earthquake accompanying or
preceding the eruption
-In Indonesia(1883), the tsunami caused by Krakatoa eruption
killed 36,000 people
Landslides(on land or in the sea)
-Lituya bay, Alaska, 1958, the earthquake-induced rockslide
produced a bigsplash wave which removed trees to a height of 525m

Lander and Lockridge,United States tsunamis
-cosmic-body impacts disturb the water surface, as momentum
of falling debris is transferred to the water into which
the debris falls