Frazil Ice-Small disc shaped ice crystals approximately
1 mm in diameter freely suspended in the water column1. |
Image Source: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/~eicken/he_teach/GEOS615icenom/iceglossary/iceglossary.htm |
Grease Ice-Piled up Frazil Ice. Spicules and plates
of ice coagalute to form a thick soupy layer of grease ice on the water
surface. Depths range from 0.05 m to 0.3 m (in leads). Composed of about
30 percent ice and 70 percent water by mass1. |
Image Source: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/~eicken/he_teach/GEOS615icenom/iceglossary/iceglossary.htm |
Pancake Ice-The next stage in ice growth after
grease ice. Waves acting on ice, herd the ice into thicker flows that take
the shape of free floating ice disks, some reaching 8 ft. in diameter2. |
Image Source: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/~eicken/he_teach/GEOS615icenom/iceglossary/iceglossary.htm |
Ice Floe-Blanketed by snow, pancake ice cements
into floes, which buckle as they ram against one another and slide around2. |
Image Source: http://www.musc.edu/cando/ice/kidsatde.html |
Lead-An opening between ice floes. Oftentimes,
leads are opened by the action of waves and winds on the ice. |
Image Source: http://telperion.otago.ac.nz/Marine/po/projects/seaice/Breakup.htm |
Marginal Ice Zone-Region of broken floes where
the behavior of surface, ocean waves is distinctly differenct from the
open ocean because of the interaction of the ice with the waves3. |
Image Source: http://www.arcticphoto.co.uk/gallery2/arctic/landscape/seaice/qq0622-35.htm |
Last Modified: 12/12/2001 |