How to find a magnetic monopole?

Assume a magnetic monopole goes through a coil, how much charge we will have?


∫                 ∫         ∫  ∇ × E ⋅dS = - ∂-  B  ⋅dS -   J  ⋅dS                ∂t              m

The first term in the above equation can be written as

∫             ∫  ∇ × E ⋅dS =   E ⋅dl = V = IR.

Substituting into the original equation we have:

      ∂ΦIR = ----- Im       ∂t,

integrating both sides of this equation, we find

∫  IRdt = QR


∫ ∂Φ  -∂t dt = Δ Φ = 0


∫  I  dt = q   m      m

so that finally we have

      qm-Q  = - R.

This is the original way people tried to find the magnetic monopole.

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