Works Cited:

  1. Alexandria, Virginia. Voyage Through the Universe: Outbound. Time Life. 1989.

  2. Ansari X-Prize. Ansari X-Prize. 2004. Nov. 24, 2004. <>.

  3. Chetty, P.R.K. Satellite Technology and It's Applications. Tab Books, Inc. 1988.

  4. Hamilton, Calvin J. A Brief History of Rocketry. 2001. Nov. 26, 2004. <>.

  5. Irvine, Tom. The Cold War & Space Era. Nov. 26, 2004. <>.

  6. Nicolson, Iain. The Road to the Stars. William Morrow & Company, Inc.: New York, 1978.

  7. Linenger, Jerry M. Off the Planet: Surviving Five Perilous Months Aboard the Space Station Mir. McGraw-Hill: New York, 2000.

  8. Space Race. Wikipedia. Nov. 18, 2004. Nov. 27, 2004. <>.

  9. Stephen Hawking's Universe. PBS. Nov. 26, 2004. <>.

  10. What is a Satellite?. Boeing Satellite Systems. 2004. Nov. 27. 2004. <>.

Website created by Nansen Olson and last updated Dec. 6th, 2004.

Course: Physics 311, Dr. David Newman