The Physics of a Tire Swing

A tire swing work a bit like a regular swing, except more complicated.  Now we are going to introduce new forces that have to do with the spinning path that a tire swing takes.  Once a force is applied, centripetal force (the force required to keep a body moving in a circular path) and centripetal acceleration (the acceleration of a body moving in a circular path) cause the tire to spin in a circular motion.   

Uniform Circular Motion
Now, if the tire swing traveled in a uniform circular path, you would move in a circle and the velocity would be tangent to the orbit as the blue circle shows.  The red circle shows that acceleration is radially inward.

NonUniform Circular Motion

A tire swing moves more in a nonuniform circular motion, where the velocity is tangential to the orbit and the acceleration is not radially inward and the tangential component increases the rate of rotation.,r:20,s:0&tx=113&ty=102

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