Spherical Mirrors:

With spherical mirors, the focal length is inversly proportional to the sum of distances:
(1/f) = (1/di) + (1/do)
(Bauer and Westfall, pg 1035)

There are two kinds of spherical mirrors: concave or converging, and convex or diverging.


A concave mirror is known as converging because the rays all converge on one spot.

(Stoner, Ellen. "Mirror Ray Tracing")

This is only one way that an image in a concave mirror may appear.  The image may be:
large and upright, large and inverted, the same size and inverted, or as shown: small and inverted.

A convex mirror is know as diverging becasue the rays diverge.

(AZo Optics - The A to Z of Optics)
