The Beginning...

The F-22 Raptor is a stealth fighter built by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. In 1990, the prototype YF-22 Lighting II, named after the Lockheed P-38 Lightning, won a fly-off competition against the McDonnell-Douglas YF-23 for the Pentagon's Advanced Tactical Fighter contract. When the first production-representative plane was revealed on April 9, 1997, the F-22 became the "Raptor", and this name has stuck with it even after it entered service in the United States Air Force on December 15, 2005.

The Lockheed P-38 Lightning

General Information
The F-22 was designed to replace the aging F-15 fighter, and with production costs set at $338 million per plane, the F-22 comes with state of the art stealth technology, weapons systems, radar capability, thrust vectoring capabilities, and tactical mission capabilities. This means that the plane is worth the price tag. On paper it is not the fastest fighter in the sky due to it's fixed geometry air inlets which are designed to increase stealth capabilities. However, it is does have a top speed faster than any other fighter flying without afterburners, cruising at speeds up to Mach 1.72 (1,140 mph). This makes the F-22 the most fuel efficient jet, which increases it's radius of attack without having to refuel.

The Beginning...
Radar and How to Evade It
Powering the F-22
F-22 Turbofan Extras