-Rules of the Game
the game of Curling there are two four-person teams that compete, with each
rink throwing 8 rocks per "end" of play. The teams alternate turns,
and each player throws two stones. Each end starts with the leads (first players)
alternating throws, followed by the seconds, then the thirds (also known as
vice-skips) and finally the skips, who throw last, plot strategy, and study how
the rocks move on the ice.
The scoring in curling is fairly simple. Only one team can get points for each throwing session. A team receives one point for each of their rocks that are within the house and are closer to the center than any of the opposition's stones. The team that scores throws first in the next end.
In a typical game there are 8 ends and in competition there are 10 ends. The regular games usually last about 2 hours. The ice sheet is 15 feet wide and 138 feet long from hack to hack (rubber footrests where the curling delivery begins). A complete representation of the dimensions of a curling rink is shown below. The houses at each end are 12 feet in diameter, with rings of 8 feet, 4 feet and one foot painted into the ice. At the center of the house is the tee.
At the completion of each end, the thirds determine the score and using tags with the end number marked on them, hang the score up on the scoreboard. The score is read from the numbers across the center row of the scoreboard. The tags above and below the score represent the ends won.
Dimensions of a curling rink.
Info and images taken from- http://www.curldc.org/about/basics.php