Nucleation of Water
Farrin A. Reid
March 24th, 2007

           The purpose of this experiment was to examine the nucleation of supercooled water and possibly get media of that and superheated water. Unfortunately, I didn’t really get to do much of either with my experiments. I know now that I was most likely trying to supercool the water at a temperature that was too cool for my set up. If I were to do this experiment again I would test the samples at temperatures ranging from -3 C to -16 Celsius because it seems even at these temperatures some bottled waters can experience super cooling nucleation effects as seen on From the video i have of superheating water, I let it warm the microwave for 4 minutes when i took it out it was just slightly boilking but as you saw when i put hot cocoa powder in it, it created many nucleationsite to where it looked like it furiously unleashed its power. As for the Supercooling media, I wished it would have shown better. I used Bottled fiji water and the first I cooled to around -3 celsius. the second time i did it i cooled the water to about - 4.8 and had better results.

Purpose, Theory, & Procedure




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