Courtesy of Pontoazul
Once the temperature and the bolometric luminosity
of a star are known, its size can easily be calculated using Planck's
formula. This formula gives the total emission of radiant energy
per unit area for a hot body's surface at each temeperature. Radii of
stars have been found to vary from 1/100 that of the sun, generally
white dwarfs, to 400 times the radius of the sun, being a supergiant.
More than half of the total stars are in binary or multuiple star
systems and about 100 orbits in these systems have been accurately
recorded providing one of the star's most important characteristics,
its mass. Using Newton's Law of Gravitation, the mass of a star in a
binary system can be accurately measured by measuring the period of
orbit. Also if these stars happen to eclipse, then their diameters can
accurately be recorded. Our Sun's mass is about 2x10^33 g or about
333,000 times the mass of Earth. Oribts of binary stars have been found
the mass of some stars to be from 40 to 1/10 the mass of the Sun.
Luminosity also is related to the mass of a star. It
is found that a high mass star will have high luminosity and a low mass
star will have low luminosity. Mass and luminosity are related by the
Mass-Luminosity Relation
and are proportional to mass^3.5. In example a star 3 times the mass of
the Sun will have luminosity 3^3.5 that of the sun.
Stellar Structure
Courtesy of:
The internal structure of a star is almost entirely
theoretical and based upon laboratory measurements of gases. The
calculations of structure are based on the two principles of convection
equilibrium, in which turbulence brings the energy outwards
andradiative equilibrium, in which radiation brings the energy outward.
The actual temperature and density are calculated for each depth using
characteristics of the mix of gases (hydrogen, helium, and heavier
elements exposed by spectrum).