
Hattingh, Garth. The Climber's Handbook. New Holland Publishers. 1998.

Luebben, Craig. Rock Climbing: Mastering Basic Skills. Cordee. 2004.

"Extreme Rock Climbing in  a  Nutshell." < mt/ExtremeClimbing/> (March 17, 2005).

Google Pictures. "Climbing." <> (March 17, 2005).

Hates, Mark. "Frog Butress." <> (March 17, 2005)

Henderson, Tom. "The Physics Classroom.""Lesson 1: The Impulse-Momentum Change Theorem.." <http://www.glenbrook.k12           tension> 1996-2004.. (March 14, 2005).

Henderson, Tom. "The Physics Classroom.""Types of Forces."  <
        newtlaws/u2l2b.html# tension>
.. (March 14, 2005).

Meier, Dale. "Utah Pictures."  < 2004> (March 14, 2005).

Richesin,Josh. "Josh's Place." <> March 17, 2005)

Links to other places in "The Physics of Rock Climbing":


Frictional Forces
Falling Forces
Anchor Systems