Scramjet Milestones (Part 1)

  • In November of 1991, Russian scientists with the support of French colleagues, tested a small axisymmetric hydrogen ramjet propelled by a SA-5 surface to air missile, at Mach 5.35.

  • In 1993 the Australian University of Queensland achieved the first positive net thrust in an completely scramjet powered vehicle tested in their T4 shock tunnel.

  • On June 2, 2001 NASA launched the first X-43a prototype scramjet mounted to the front of a modified Pegasus rocket fired from a B52 aircraft, but before the scramjet even came to operational velocities, the rocket combo spiraled out of control.x43_mission_profile
  • August 30, 2001 the US  Defense  Advanced Research Projects Agency fired a 4 inch diameter 20% scramjet powered missile at Mach 7 from a specialized gun.  The scramjet then covered  260 ft in about 30 milliseconds under its own power.