History of Espresso

Text Box: Figure 1: A portrait of Desidro Pavoni.

ludovico_pavoni.pngIn 1903, Luigi Bezzara, an Italian businessman, owned a coffee manufacturing business.  One evening he had some spare time and discovered that by adding more pressure to his grind, he could have a richer, stronger coffee in a shorter period of time then dripping water through coffee.  With this new found product, he created the “Fast Coffee Machine”. This is how espresso became to be.  Espresso is the Italian word for fast, hence the naming choice.  Luigi Bezzara was unsuccessful with the sale of this new invention, so in 1905, he sold his idea to another Italian businessman, Desidero Pavoni.  This is the man who perfected the espresso machine and thus trend expanded worldwide and espresso delicacies were created.  Whether or not these men knew, they had just applied the principles of physics to espresso making.

Today, the United States has commercialized this Italian delicacy and created a new fad among coffee drinkers.

