Temperature                               dampfender kaffee

A simple explanation of Physics: The higher the temperature, the higher the supply of energy and the steeper the temperature curve. The water moves faster through the coffee powder in the funnel shade cylinder.

Therefore, it is an advantage to use a gas stove when preparing your favourite coffee in the morning. Since gas stoves have a high and continuous supply of energy. Ceramic stove tops have a pulsating supply of energy and therefore these are the least preferred kind of stove you want to use.

The time that the water is in contact with the coffee powder is called the extraction period. The extraction period has a direct influence of the flavour and the solving of tanning agents.

But now you should ask yourself: How can I influence the diffusion process in the chamber with the correct type of coffee grind?

The answer is simple...                          

If you want to slow the diffusion process you should use finer coffee grounds. Since finer gounds have a larger surface area it takes more time for the water to move through the cylinder shaped funnel because of the coffee grinds density.

On the other hand, if you wish the difussion process to be faster, you select a slightly larger grind.

The fun of this basic coffee maker is that you get to experiment with different grinds until you figure which you like the best. If water flows to quickly through the powder, the coffee will not gain enough strength for an intense espresso flavour. If the water flows to slowly through the powder, it can pull unwanted elements (as tanning agents) from the coffee grind into the brew.

The Istituto nazionale espresso italiano recommends that you select your coffee powder and the temperature of your stove to create an extraction time of approximately 25 seconds to acquire 25 to 30ml of espresso (with the use of 7g espresso powder).