The perfect espressohttpwww.ineedcoffee.com03mokaexpressimageswenzel-moka-pot200.jpg

This is how the ISTITUTO NAZIONALE ESPRESSO INTALIANO defines "the perfect espresso":

"An hazel-brown to dark - brown foam – characterised by tawny reflexes – with a very fine texture. An intense scent with notes of flowers, fruits, toasted bread and chocolate. All of these sensations are felt also after swallowing the coffee in the long lasting aroma. Its taste is round, substantial and velvet-like. Sour and bitter tastes are well balanced. There is no, or a barely perceptible, astringent taste."

Maybe you are already using a traditional Moka Pot for brewing your espresso, if not you might have the desire to try it out... One might say: If you love camping and hiking, this lightweight aluminum pot might be a good alternative to instant coffee powder: all you need is finely ground coffee powder, water and a little gas stove...

                                                                                            ...and a good friend to enjoy your coffee...