GPR Fundamental equations used and its relation to physics


  Pulse-mode GPR systems radiate short pulses of high frequency (200 MHz) electromagnetic energy into the ground from the transmitting antenna. The propagation of the radar signal depends on the electrical properties of the ground. Electrical conductivity of the soil or rock materials along the propagation paths primarily, dependents on the moisture content and mineralization present on the subsurface. The radiated energy with an amplitude A goes trough the ground and enconters  the dielectric constant (ε) , part of the incident energy with an amplitude AR is reflected back to the radar antenna(Olhoeft 1992). The dielectric constant is a property of certain materials. It is used to calculate velocity of the signals send to the ground. Reflected signals are amplified, transformed to the audio-frequency range, recorded, processed and displayed. From the recorded display, subsurface features such as soil/soil, soil/rock and unsaturated/saturated interfaces can be identified (Samsudin, 2008).



Basic setup of the SIRveyor with one channel receiver (Huang, 2009)



1) Radar velocity equation:


v = c / q(μεr) ~ c / qεr = 0.3/ qεr , in m/nsec


C: 3x108 m/s;

μ: relative magnetic permeability (~1.0 for most rock)


2) Dielectric constant equation

Topp’s equation

εr = 3.03 + 9.3θ + 146.0θ2 − 76.7θ3


α = 1.69 σ/ qεr


where θ: volumetric water content of soil

α: attenuation, db/m

σ: electric conductivity, mS


The value ϴ was obtained from the laboratory data after testing samples collected at the site see table 2.2 for the ϴ value to be used to calculate our dielectric constant. Table 4.1 summarizes the dielectric and velocities of certain material. This table was used to approximate the dielectric value that we used by the time we setup the data collection parameters in the computer before performing the test.


EM properties of some materials (Huang, 2009)

3) Thickness of the layer equation:


Z = Vt/2                                V= velocity                                         t = Time




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