In conclusion, a given airplane can fly because the lift generated by the thrust, airfoil, and wingspan. To achieve this, the aircraft must
    reach a certain velocity creating an airflow over the airfoil. The velocity of the air over the airfoil determines when the plane will leave the
    ground or take off. When the plane reaches the certain velocity, the pilot raises the angle of attack to an appropriate value to safely leave the
    ground and take flight. The bigger angle of attack the better, until a certain point. When the angle of attack gets too large, the air hits the top
    (front) of the airfoil and "back eddies" and creates a gap between the airstream hitting the wing and the airfoil. This cause the plane to lose
    altitude or go into what is called a stall.
        There are many unknowns that go along with aircrafts, but they can be figured out if you break them into their four forces, and
    calculate the Coefficient of Lift. All planes have in common thrust, drag, weight and lift. They also all have a Coefficient of lift. Planes
    come in many different sizes and shapes and all have unique aspects. Some planes need a great amound of take off speed and a small
    angle of attack and other planes need a small take off speed and a large angle of attack. Some planes even are designed to fly very
    close to the ground and take advantage of the ground effect. We have only examined two planes today and there are thousands more
    that have different needs and different capabilities.
To me, the fact that planes fly goes against the physics I have always known.
     Newton had three laws that say "an object at rest will stay at rest," "F = ma," and "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." These
     planes appear to be large objects that should stay at rest, their force is their weight which points down so they should stay put, and their force
     downward acts eqully and opposite to the ground pushung up. Some how, some way, hubdreds of thousands of aircrafts are used to take off, fly and
     land every day.