Believe it or not, the aircrafts today have a lot in common with some of the first ever planes made and even the one the Wright brothers
made in 1903. This is in the sense that all planes have engines and wing spans that provide enough thrust and lift to overcome gravity, weight,
and drag, and to take flight. Most of the evolution of the aircraft, much like other big inventions, come in the design of single parts on the object,
specifically the airfoil of the aircraft. As shown in the figure below, the airfoil and more specifically the bottom of the airfoil has changed drastically.
In the beginning, the Wright brothers made the bottom of the airfoil concave down. This was successful in the sense that it got their plane
off the ground, but this design did not hold for very long and was not very efficient. The efficiency on this design was not great because as the
air hit the bottom of the airfoil, it created a gap where no air flowed. No air flow results in a lack of lift and this allows room for improvement. This    
was quickly compensated for in the next few designs and eventually the flat bottom was introduced. This design held for a while but was overturned
when the bottom of the airfoil became concave up. Other designs such as the diamond provide advantages for supersonic speed, but for the most
part, the top of the airfoil is concave down and the bottom is concave up, both in circular shapes. Most wings now are the same design with
different variations.

File:Evolution of the Airfoil - GPN-2000-001299.jpg