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Photo Source:http://www.scientific-web.com/en/Physics/Biograp hies/images/ErnstMach2.jpg

"My interest in science was always essentially limited to the study of principles.... That I have published so little is due to this same circumstance, as the great need to grasp principles has caused me to spend most of my time on fruitless pursuits." - Einstein

Albert Einstein is the author of the special and general theories of relativity.  He was born in 1879 in Germany.  In 1905, Einstein proposed the special theory of relativity.  In 1916, he published the General Theory of Relativity.  Einstein’s special theory of relativity has had experimental data agree with the theory.  In 1919, Einstein’s general theory of relativity had experimental data verify the general theory of relativity.  However, Einstein’s general theory of relativity is still undergoing experimental tests since it may be the least tested of Einstein’s theories.