Operation Penny Drop

Conclusion of Calculations ...

        Terminal velocity can be calculated to an extent. To get an exact answer is difficult if not impossible due to the many variables involved including those that are unpredictable such as weather and wind. In fact, since the skyscraper is so high up, it will most likely suck the penny back into one of the lower levels, and the penny will never reach the ground. If by chance the penny was able to miraculously reach the ground, the Mythbusters demonstrated in their 2003 season, episode 4, that even if a penny is shot from a gun, it still will not pick up enough velocity or power to penetrate through the human skull (9). Therefore: dropping a penny off of a high building will not kill somebody. In conclusion: operation penny drop is futile and you may want to invest in assassination techniques of some other type, such as the ones depicted below.


Godfather pic (11). Kitten Sniper Pic (12). Dog Pic (8).