sideview runner
Tricker & Tricker, The Science of Movement. 215

Sideview of Runner

sideview runner
The red dots in the figure are placed on the joints in which the legs and arms rotate about.

The black lines connect the labeled joints and are referred to as links.

The blue curved arrows show the direction of the rotating links.

E.g. Link CD is rotating counterclockwise around C, link BC is rotating counterclockwise around B, link AB is rotating clockwise around A, link FG is rotating counterclockwise around F, and link EF is rotating counterclockwise around E.

There are several different motions going on including the rotating links, the rectilinear motion of the runner’s body as a whole, and the curvilinear motion of some of the links.

The runner’s legs and arms work together to propel the body forward across the ground in a translational motion which could be straight or curvilinear depending upon the course in which he is running on.

The motion of links FG, CD, and BC are all rotating about a joint but they are also links that are at the end of other rotating links and so they have a curvilinear motion as well.

Tricker & Tricker, The Science of Movement. 215

Sideview of Runner
Frontview of Runner
Relative Motion