What are soudwaves? Well it is
a wave, but probably not the kind your thinking about ;)

Well then, what kind of wave are we
talking about. Soundwaves are what allow our ears to hear
anything at all. They are compressed waves of air resulting from
the vibrations of some source. Usually these sources are things
we are very familiar with such as a loudspeaker or a cd player.
We can imagine this easily because anyone who has seen a speaker
working can see and feel the vibrations. But even if you can't
see the vibrations, everything you hear is a result of a vibration
compressing air and results in a soundwave. The compressed waves
of air then vibrate the mechanics of the ear drum and is inturrpreted
by your brain as the different sounds you hear. For a visual of a
soundwave see below.
These are probably a little difficult
to imagine because you of course can't see a soundwave. Well,
actualy you can see some and if you do, then you definetly don't want
to be around when it hits. Soundwaves are much like a
baking. There are many things that go into baking a proper
soundwave. You can of course just thow some junk into the pan and
bake it but if you want a delicious Blues brownie when your done or
possibly a savry country cookie then you might need to know a little
more about what makes good soundwaves. And the key is Frequency and Amplitude.
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