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War of the Currents

    It quickly became apparent that the future of the industrial revolution would either depend on Edison's DC or Tesla's AC technology. This spawned the "War of the Currents" between Edison and Tesla. Westinghouse

recalls some of Edison's propaganda against AC,

"I remember Tom [Edison] telling them that direct current was like a river flowing peacefully to the sea, while alternating current was like a torrent rushing violently over a precipice. Imagine that! Why they

even had a professor named Harold Brown who went around talking to audiences... and electrocuting dogs and old horses right on stage, to show how dangerous alternating current was."

"...a murderer was about to be executed in the first electric chair at New York's Auburn State Prison. Professor Brown had succeeded in illegally purchasing a used Westinghouse generator in order to

demonstrate once and for all the extreme danger of alternating current. The guinea pig was William Kemmler, a convicted ax-murderer, who died horribly on August 6, 1890, in "an awful spectacle, far

worse than hanging." The technique was later dubbed "Westinghousing."

    Despite the bad press, Tesla and Westinghouse's luck skyrocketed when they won the bid for lighting the Chicago World's Fair. The cost of the AC powered equipment was nearly half of DC's, mainly because DC

required a much larger amount of copper wire. This contributed to the fact that AC was more efficient and cost effective than DC. After the fair, almost 80 percent of the all the United State's electrical devices were

ordered for alternating current.

Chicago World's Fair, 1893                                            Nikola Tesla, circa 1886                       Edison's DC Generator                                               Tesla's AC Generator

**Images from**
DC generator image from
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[01] PBS: Tesla -
                               [02] Wikipedia: Nikola Tesla -                                         

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