Works Cited
Twistor Theory
This site is mounted by a physicist who is currently working on an area in twistor theory. The site is plain but accurate, and describes the current applications and avenues of research in twistor theory. He offers several alternative offline sources of information on the topic.
General Info
A general site that has a lot of basic info and a picture that I used.
This site has a lot of general information, but in specific it has an overview of his published papers and major works, including his collaborative efforts with Hawking and his twistor papers. 3) Penrose, Roger. The Emporer's New Mind. NewYork: Oxford UP, 1990. Drawings and Pictures 1) sketch of penrose in japanese sort of style
2) Another of eschers drawings, so I cited although public domain, Also a source and confirmation of the toilet paper incident. Tilings All done on the page....
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