Can we survive on Mars?

There are things to consider once we have made it possible to colonize Mars.


Food Production:

According to Andro Petro of Nasa, if we were to build enclosed, airtight areas we should be able to raise just about any type of food plant or animal we wish. We must make sure it is an efficient production system, for without importing massive quantities of water, which would be both expensive and difficult, water will always be in short supply on Mars.

Power Supply:

According to Geoff Briggs of Nasa, there are many options to consider. The best idea would be a nuclear reactor, being safe and compact. The only thing to consider is disposal, as the life span of the reactor would be about 10 years. Solar panels and windmills are possible, but not very efficient


Biodomes would be necessary for protection from all the elements, including temperature. Even raising the temperature by 10 K to start this whole process wouldn't be enough to create a comfortable climate. The savage dust storms on Mars will still exist, as well as some carbon dioxide. It seems there are many different ideas for what sort of material would be required to construct a usable biodome. Over the years people have speculated over the use of glass, metal, plastic, etc.

Would we live in biodomes?



It is speculated that once the process of terraforming is begun, it will take decades to complete. With the technology we have available to us today, the scientific community is divided as to whether it will ever be possible.




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