Research And Potential Uses

Superconductors have many modern day uses and have many potential uses that could better many different areas of science. As pictured above, superconductors could be used to magnetically levitate trains (maglev trains), creating a system that does not lose energy in the form of friction with a track, instead the train floats a above the track and is propelled by the magnetic forces caused by the induced currents.

Another use of superconductors is in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI, in which the superconductor helps in creating a non-invasive method of looking at a persons brain activity.

Yet another area where superconductors would be especially helpful is in the power and electronics industry where power losses arise from a systems internal resistance. If a power generator was constructed with superconducting components the efficiency of the motor would be greatly increased. The electronics industry would benefit from faster switching times, smaller components, and greater circuit efficiency.

The world of superconductors is expanding at a tremendous rate. As the uses and possibilities for their use become more apparent, our society might see them more and more in everyday life.


What Are Superconductors

In The Beginning

How Superconductors Work
