Bomb Design
There were two
types of atom bombs created one was called the "Little Boy" and the
other was titled the "Fat Man."
The Little Boy
The "little boy" atom bomb was designed to be a gun
type bomb. They call it a gun type bomb due to the fact
that the bomb shoots a mass of uranium 235 into another mass of uranium
235 to create a supercritical mass.
Once the
supercritical mass is formed the initiator emits a burst of neutrons
creating the fission chain reactions. These chain reactions
continue until the energy released becomes so big that the bomb blows
itself up.
The Fat Man
The Fat Man atom bomb was created due
to the fact that plutonium 239 has such a fast spontaneous fission
rate. A new design was needed to facilitate such an
isotope. The Little Boy is too slow to work with such an
isotope. So, Seth Neddermeyer created an idea to use explosive
charges to compress a small sphere of plutonium quickly to a required
density that will make the plutonium go critical and produce a nuclear
explosion. Thus, the Fat Man atom bomb was born.