Fermilab scientists have made some astonishing discoveries by smashing speeding
subatomic particles together. Of the eighteen subatomic particles that are
known, three of them were discovered in the Fermilab. The first subatomic
particle discovered by the Fermilab was the bottom quark in May of 1977.
In March of 1995 the top quark was discovered by CDF and DZero experiments
and the third and final subatomic particle to be discovered by the Fermilab
in July 21, 2000 and was named the tau neutrino.
March of 2001 the Fermilab began a new experiment named Collider Run II.
They are searching for a particle called the Higgs Boson. This new particle
could hold the key to understanding the origin of all mass (Fermilag website).
Below are two diagrams that will hopefully give you a better understanding
of subatomic
particles and
the experiments used to find these subatomic particles.
