The Big Bang and Antimatter

Dan Brown compares the Bible's story of creation to the Big Bang theory by pointing out the duality of everything.  "God created light and dark, heaven and hell [...] He created everything in opposites.  Symmetry.  Perfect balance [...] science claims the same thing as religion, that the Big Bang created everything in the universe with an opposite" (Brown 73).

It is true that even matter itself has an opposite.  However, our universe is composed of predominantly matter.  Shouldn't there be equal amounts of matter and antimatter if everything has an opposite?  Andrei Sakharov, the man who created the Soviet Hydrogen bomb, developed a theory to explain the inequality between matter and antimatter, called the CP violation.  He suggested there was a "slight asymmetry" between the amounts of matter and antimatter that were
 present during the Big Bang (Kaku 2008, Minkel 2008). 
That all the atoms currently in the universe are
left over from the annihilation between the
original amount of matter and antimatter. 
Sakharov postulated the Big Bang caused this
annihilation event.

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