Space Battles

When ever you watch the space battle parts of the movie, they are flashy. lots of lasers being fired off making cool sounds. Ships are exploding when they are hit making a very nice fireball. Also when some of the bigger space craft blow up you can hear the massive blast. Well this is great when your talking about a movie, but in reality this cannot happen. If you were to watch it, you would not be able to hear a sound. It would be a silent battle. Although you might see some explosions, but they would not be as great a massive as in the movie.

First I'll explane why there would be a silent fight. In space sound does not exist.
The reason why we hear sound is the vibrations travel through the air and vibrate into your eardrum. Sound waves can travel through the air, water, and other mediums. The action of the traveling sound waves is a periodic pattern of expansions and compressions of the medium. In space there is no air, no medium, space is a vacuum. Because there is nothing for the sound waves to travel through in space, then sound does not exist in space.

Also the fact of explosions, they cannot be as great and massive as you see in the movie. The fireball you see is fueled by the oxygen within the spacecraft. Now there is only a finite amount of oxygen within those spacecrafts, so if they did explode it would a a short-lived, small explosion. The explosions that your see in the movies, the fires are great fireballs. These fires also burn for a long time. Fire uses up oxygen very fast so these long burns cannot happen because there isn't enough oxygen to fuel this fire.
