
The formulas used in Table Tennis:

P = W÷t

W = Fs

F = ma

a = (v - u)÷t

T = rF

P = Power

W = Work
t = Time
F = Force
s = Displacement
m = Mass
a = Acceleration
v = Velocity
u = Initial Velocity
T = Torque
r = Radius

P = W÷t
For a player to gain more power in their shots, more work has to be done or less time (time the ball is in contact with the paddle surface, approximately 0.003 seconds) has to be taken in their shots.  To increase the work done, refer to the second equation.

W = Fs
Logically, if the amount of force is increased, then the work is increased.  Work can also be increased by increasing the displacement.  However, since the length of the table is a fixed value, this cannot be done.  To increase the amount of force, refer to the third equation.

F = ma
In order to increase the force, the mass of the ball could be increased.  Again, since the weight of the ball is a fixed value, this cannot be done.  Therefore, one must increase the acceleration.  To increase the acceleration, refer to the fourth equation.

a = (v - u)÷t
To maximize the acceleration, one needs to minimize the initial velocity, and maximize the velocity.  In order to do this, one needs to hit the ball as hard as they can.  The initial velocity cannot be adjusted since it depends on how hard the opposing team returns or hits the ball towards you.  But, since the initial velocity is coming towards you, its value is negative.  Therefore it is added to your velocity.  Also, the time remains fixed, for the reason explained above.

The above four equations show why when you hit the ball harder, the power will increase.

T = rF
The force torque occurs when it is applied at an angle around a fixed point.  A common place where torque can be found is when one is maximizing the spin on the ball.  This means that the faster the ball is spinning the higher the  torque since it is rotating around a point inside the sphere (ball).
