Why are corners such a problem
when driving?

As I'm sure you are all aware,
corners present a large problem when driving in a
car. Why is this you might be wondering? There are
a few different things that we can look at to
analyze why corners are such pain to deal with
while driving, especially when you are driving
fast. In this section, we are going to discuss
some of the ideas and equations behind why a car
has more potential to lose control on corners.
One of the biggest problems
with going around a corner is the idea of inertia.
The easiest way to rationalize the basic idea of
forces while taking a corner is to look at Newtons
first law of motion. According to the Physics
Classroom website, the simplest way to put Newtons
first law is that an object will stay at rest will
stay at rest, and one in motion will stay in
motion, unless acted upon by an outside force. You
can apply this to a corner by saying that a car
will want to go straight, but the turning of the
tires on the corner cause it to change direction,
which means that they have to exert a force to
overcome newtons first law.
Based off of
Newtons first law, the car is going to want to
keep going in a straight line, but when it turns,
it puts more force on the outermost side of the
car, putting uneven force on the car. Now, there
can be two outcomes to a situation like this one.
The first situation is that the car could tip. For
example, in the picture above, the semi going
around the corner is starting to tip over. This is
because his center of mass is further off the
ground, which, combined with the increase in
outside wheel pressure, causes him to tip.
thing to look at is the radial acceleration of a
car, ar. This is the acceleration
inward, which is what determines how much stress
and force there is on the car as you are turning.
The equation for radial acceleration is (ar)=(v2)/r.
From this equation, you can see that the faster
you are going, the greater your radial
acceleration will be. Along with that, the smaller
the radius of your turn is, the greater your
radial acceleration will be. On to the next step,
we look at the forces that hold the car on the
road. These forces can be calculated as Fc
which is the centrifugal force of the car. You can
determine the Fc value by computing the
mass (M) of the car times acceleration due to
gravity (9.8m/s2) and then multiply
that by the coefficient of static friction
(us). You can then set that equal to
the (v2)/r to find out the maximum
speed the car can travel so as to not slide off
the road.