is the study of the visualization of sound through
vibrations. The theorized
beginnings of humanities encounter
with the phenomenon comes from the
oldest known instrument, the drum. Tribes would sprinkle
drums with sand, play them, then look at the patterns
created afterwords, this dates back over 1000 years ago.
Many of the most classical scientists experienced cymatics
in their studies such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo
Galilei, and Robert Hooke.

Things started to get really interesting when Ernst
Chladni (a German scientist and the "father of acoustics")
chose to center his
research toward the phenomena. Chladni would pour sand on
a brass plate then drag a violin bow across it to produce
shapes. He could change the frequency by dragging the bow
at different places on the plate at different speeds.
Chlandi decided to show the effect to Napoleon who took
immediate action at finding a scientific/mathematical
explanation. It was then found to be in result to sound
waves and vibration.
Many more scientists explored and experimented with the
phenomenon, making smaller additions and explanations.
Multiple devices were created to visualize cymatics such
as the Ediophone, Tonoscope, and the more recent
Though there has been some research, there is much we do
not understand in a mathematical view.