How to Throw a Football                                                   


 Holding the football

    To throw a football, most people prefer to grip the laces with their pinky and ring finger. Their is no set order in which fingers are placed, however most people prefer the 1st and 3rd laces, or the 2nd and 4th laces respectively as pictured. Griping the laces allows for superior grip, enabling the spiraling of the football. Putting your hand behind the center of mass of the football allows the thrower more control over the football. If you don't believe me, try throwing football                           Hand Position 
by the front!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  Aiming the football                                                                                                                                               
  1.  If your target is far away, make sure to aim above your it to allow for gravity to pull the football downwards.
  2.  It is important to note that the catcher may continue to move horizontally after the ball is released, but the football cannot since once it is in the air no horizontal force is applied to it (Newtons first law, a body in motion stays in motion unless an outside force acts upon it). So, if your target is moving, throw slightly ahead of your target to hit him where he is going to be.   
   In order to determine where to throw a football in relation to where your target is, kinematics is the solution. However, classroom calculations can't help. Adjustments in your head have to be made instantly and are usually subconsciously done. Exactly how hard to throw the ball, at what angle, and the lead to throw in front of your moving target are all decisions that must be made instantly in your head. It takes practice to be perfect!                                                                               


  1. First, get a strong stance. According to newtons second law, F=ma, your going to be pushed backwards hard since your accelerating the football forwards!
  2. Now grip the football in way that's comfortable for you as described above
  3. Then bring your arm back so that the football is parallel to your head                       
  4. Throw the football by swinging your arm forwards
  5. Just as it leaves your finger tips, flick your fingers for a spiral
  6. Practice practice practice!



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