The Basics

Nuclear fusion is the reaction of two atomic nuclei fusing together. This reaction results in larger nuclei with energy being released by the reaction. The mass of the new nuclei is less than the sum of the previous nuclei. The energy released can be ascertained by Einstein’s famous formula E = mc^2 where energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. This energy is referred to as nuclear energy.


In order for the nuclei of two atoms to undergo nuclear fusion they must be sufficiently close together. The couloumb force repulses as the positively charged protons push against one another. However at a critical point of a few femo-meters (10^-15 meters) the strong force comes into effect. The strong force is one hundred times stronger than the coloumb force. Once the nuclei of the two atoms enter the strong force range they fuse together creating a new element. A model of the forces is visualized below.

Image of repeeling forces


Nuclear Fusion is the reason that there are more than a handful of elements present in the universe. The elements are created in stars where the conditions are ideal for such volatile energy transitions.