Conclusions and Uncertainty

The snow physics discussed was kept general and simple.  The physics of snow can become very detailed and complicated.  The uncertainty of the information in this examination is proportional to its simplicity.  (In reality snow does not simply fall straight down at a constant speed).  The purpose of this is to examine what has been omitted and why, and to critique what has been examined in order to alter and make future examinations of physics better.

Clouds are in their own category and deserve their own examination.  The relevance of clouds was considered minor and therefore the uncertainty and lack of information surrounding them is high. 

The definition of snow examined was general and the snow types were kept brief.  An example of non-traditional snowfall is Picdiamond dust.  This occurs at extremely cold temperatures.  This is readily seen in Fairbanks, Alaska during the winters when the air is so cold the moisture in the air crystallizes.  It appears as though tiny dust like diamonds are suspended and sparkling in the air.

The kinematics used in determining velocity of falling snow was kept very simple.  The simple path was chosen over the complex path for simplicity reasons.  The acceleration from the particles position in the cloud to its terminal velocity was considered negligible in the discussion, and therefore irrelevant and unnecessary. 

I kept the ground properties of snow basic since the ideas and physics involved can be extrapolated and applied for everyday use.  One such example would be road surfaces and the interaction with vehicles (see friction).  The description of wet and dry snow should make this simpler to understand.  Roads are slippery when wet, more slippery when covered in wet snow.  Friction will increase if the snow is dry, more probable in colder conditions, unless water particles freeze in a rounded spherical form.  All other factors applicable to physics and driving on snowy/icy roads are not considered necessary.  The focus is on snow physics not the physics of driving or walking on snow.    

Avalanches are their own topic as well and involve an enormous amount of time, effort and physical examination.  There are many factors that can cause the gravitational force in the direction of the slope to become greater than the static friction.  The effects of a concussive blast, detonated to trigger a controlled slide.  In opposition there are many factors that can reduce the static friction of snow and the bonds between it and thewater, ice, gas slope.  

The association of energy and snow is found in every part of every topic in this examination.  The basics of energy were discussed and the most important parts should be reiterated.  The albedo, insulation properties, and three states of snow: liquid, solid and gaseous are the most important properties.  The physics from these can be extrapolated and applied globally and locally. 

One of the most famous questions is whether there are two snowflakes exactly alike?  Whether or not they are exactly alike, does not matter in this examination.  They were considered in a “simple” sense but different enough to be categorized.  To create a new equation for each snowflake is impractical.  The typing of snowflakes is more practical and simpler.  Again, it is energy which makes this decision.  It would take far too much energy, with too little benefit, to create a new equation for each snowflake.                                           

The main concern of this examination was to understand the basic physics involved with snow.    Questions raised are how analogous problems are treated with respect to practicality and uncertainty?  How much simplification should be performed in the name of practicality?  From my perspective the less practical route is usually more fun and interesting.     

