°•. Physics .•°

°•. The World's Lightest Solid and Physics

Aerogels can support 2000 times their own weight and depending on their composition they can exceed an upwards of 5000 times its weight. Physicists  are experimenting with Aerogels in Kinetic energy absorption tests, that one day might make Aerogels useful in vehicle safety devices. Its energy absorption tests have seen positive results and further experimentation with its properties are currently being carried out.

°•. Physics.


A 2.5 kg brick is supported on top of a piece of aerogel weighing only 2 grams. How much greater is the weight of the brick than that of the Aerogel?




m= Aerogel=2g=.002kg


Faerogel exerted on the table=(M+m)a=(2.5kg)(.002kg)(9.81m/s)=24.54462


Force of brick/Force of aerogel alone= Magnitude that Aerogel is supporting

24.525N/.01962N =1250

The Aerogel in this picture is supporting 1250 times its mass!