It had been a long day rockin'... but the forces of evil never took a day off. Physics Man sighed - no days off for him, either. But such was the eternal battle between ignorance and justice. That's not right... He thought to himself. Stupidity and cauliflowers? Trekkies and Star Wars fans? He shook his head, banishing the frown that threatened to darken his rugged good looks. A Champion of ... whatever ... couldn't get bogged down in the details, after all. Heroes were too big for anything less than the big picture.

Klang - Klang - Klang The klaxon blared its doleful message of warning throughout the Physics Cave. Physics Man scowled - red text could only mean one thing, after all: a sighting of his archnemesis and hated adversary, Dr. Centrifugus. Reaching once more for his arms and armor (just how does one reach for arms without any, anyway? asked the little voice in his head), Physics Man made ready to battle - once again - for the safety of all mankind.

Wait - Dr. Centrifugus? What is he up to?

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