Rotational Motion- the rising fastball hvgv



Shocking truth:

    Were you aware that a rising fastball does not actually rise.  How can this be!  Well if you refer to the previous web page there is an explanation of how a curve ball curves and the truth is that any ball that is thrown, curves but the rate of acceleration is different.  For the curve ball the acceleration of the baseball toward the ground or to the side is increased by creating a rotation of the ball.  The so called rising fastball does the opposite of this it decreases the acceleration rate of the baseball towards the ground by flicking the wrist and creating a large amount of rotation in the opposite direction of a curve ball.  The front side of the ball rotates toward the sky creating a magnus force that acts in the opposite direction of the for of gravity, this results in a smaller acceleration.  In order for the baseball to actually rise the magnus force would have to be greater than that of the force of gravity and in the opposite direction of the force of gravity.  According to the experts on the following clip of  myth busters on TV that addressed this very issue a person would not be able to come even close to accomplishing this task.