
Michio Kaku is a Japanese American theoretical physicist and futurist, he was born on January 24, 1947 in San Jose, California.

Michio attended a normal high school at Ellwood Cubberley, in Palo Alto, California. Where his extra curricular activity was playing first board on the chess team. He also participated in the National Science Fair where he entered the atom smasher he built in his parent’s garage. Physicist Edward Teller observed his incredible potential of becoming one of the top physicists of the future, and took him in as his protégé and awarded him the Hertz Engineering Scholarship.

After high school, Michio went on to study at the prestigious Harvard University. He graduated in 1968 and earned his bachelors of science in physics and graduated at the top of his class with summa cum laude honors. Soon after, he returned home and continued his education at the University of Berkley where he earned his Ph.D in 1972. A year later he shared his knowledge with the students at Princeton University where he conducted lectures.

After completing his education in the early 70s the Vietnam War continued to seem everlasting, Michio Kaku decided to fight for his country and joined the United States Army as an infantryman. However the 16 year war ended before he was deployed.  

Today, Michio’s claims residency in New York. Here he has been the director and professor in Theoretical Physics at the Henry Semat located at the City College of New York and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York for over 30 years. He has also taught at top Ivy League colleges: Harvard, and Princeton, he was also a visiting professor at the Institute of Advance Study at Princeton.

        Michio Pic
                                                        Dr. Michio Kaku
                                                young michio

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