Achievements and Research

Besides writing best sellers, and hosting many hit TV and radio programs Michio has made several accomplishments in his career.

Dr. Michio Kaku is the co-founder of String Field Theory.

Michio Kaku was awarded the 2008 American Associations of Physics Teachers Klopsteg Memorial Award.

Dr. Kaku's goal is to unify the theory for everything that Albert Einstein spent three decades trying to accomplish.
The theory for everything unifies the four fundamental forces: Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak Interaction, Strong Interaction.
Many of today's physicists believe String Theory is the best candidate to unite theses forces.

Currently, Michio is focusing on putting the String Theory into final form so it can become more useful in solving the Theory of Everything.

  Michio                            micho                                Michio
                                  Michio Kaku                                                                                              Michio Kaku                                                                                                 Michio Kaku

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