The Amazing Bus Jump

Why is it that in every movie that has a car chase scene, there is always some amazing car jump?

Here is a picture of the supposed bus jump of about 50 feet in the 1994 movie Speed that starred Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock.

We don't need to know any physics equations to see that this bus jump was unrealistic. The most important aspect of this jump that we have to notice is the take-off angle, which is zero. That means that as soon as this roughly 15,000 pound bus drives off the bridge it will start to fall. In the above picture, you can see that the bus looks like it just went off a ramp. But with the take-off angle being zero, the bus will fall front first unless the back of the bus has significantly more weight than the front.

So just by using deductive reasoning, it is very easy to see that this jump could not have happened the way they showed it in the movie. In reality they hollowed the bus out and jumped the bus off a ramp (hence the angle of the flying bus in the above picture.) (The Bus Station)