The Cornea:
The cornea is the front part of the eye and is a transparent tissue that lacks blood vessels and covers the iris and pupil. The cornea allows light rays to permeate and bends the light enough to allow for focusing of the eye.
The cornea contains five different layers:
Picture from
Drawn by Mark Erickson
The Sclera:
The sclera is the white of the eye that is visible between the lids. It is made of tough material, and few diseases affect it. The episclera and conjunctiva cover it, and the eye muscles are connected to it.
The Conjuctiva:
The conjuctiva is, simply put, "a thin lining over the sclera." ( It is the outermost tissue of the eye and thus is exposed to a great deal of substances and microorganisms. Tears are produced by the conjunctival epithelium, and these help fight off the organisms that enter the eye.