Beautiful Disaster

    At any time there are up to 2000 thunder storms going on around the world and according to the Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge, more people are injured or killed every year due to lightning than hurricanes or tornadoes. On average 100-200 people are killed and hundreds are injured in the US alone. Quite a shock when thinking about all the times spent outside watching thunder storms just to observe their beauty and remarkable shows.  One amazing event is the presence of ball lightning. Not many people have seen ball lightning, and no one understands exactly what it is. There are predictions that it is electricity bound by its own electro-magnetivity, but no one can explain the completely irrational behavior of the balls. They have ranged from 1 to over 100cm in diameter and have been spotted not only falling or floating in the sky, but actually going into houses and floating around and bouncing down stairs and exiting right through a wall leaving  a clean cut hole. Ball lightning can be dangerous as it has burned some observers while leaving others completely unharmed. Scientists haven't been able to reproduce ball lightning in a lab, but a picture of ball lightning can be seen on page 2.
    There are some survivors of  lightning strikes, but they are permanently damaged due to being struck by lightning.
(c)Harald Edens, reproduced with permission

Many trees are struck by lightning, retaining huge scars from the jolt. Average peak charges range around 10^12 watts leaving explaining the dangers of their shock. The electric charge from a bolt heats up the moisture within a tree, boiling it and usually leaving a mark from the bark exploding. This being a symbol of the dangers, but once again appealing experience will always remind me that taking shelter under a tree is never the best idea.
    One idea used to prevent damage to structures is lightning rods. Although they need to reach a sufficient elevation to draw the current away from a structure, they are productive ways to reduce damage. The way they work is by using a metal top connected to a non conductive ground that penetrates the earth to draw the electrical current away from the house or building.
(c)Harald Edens, reproduced with permission
may 26th 2001

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