Basic Step
This is fundamental, starting off the dance and used between more complex moves to tie everything together.
First beat of the measure- the leader steps forward with his right foot as the follower steps back on her left
Second beat- leader steps on his left foot and follower on her right
Third beat- same as the first only reverse direction, leader goes back and follower goes forward
Fourth beat- PAUSE!!!
Fifth through eighth beat- repeat previous four mirroring the direction, leader does what the follower did and vice versa
Now let's find the center of mass in the x direction at the pause in this step...
Photo Courtesy of Heather Olson
The equation for the center of mass in the x direction is xcm=(Mx1+ mx2)/(M+m) where M is the mass of the leader, m is the mass of the follower, x1 is the position of the leader,and x2 is the position of the follower.
Plug and Chug!
23 November 2004