Frictional Forces
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Horizontal forces acting on the vehicle bogie moving with in a curve with constant speed

Hb - centrifugal force of the bogie; Hv - centrifugal force of the vehicle body;
Y1,2 - guiding forces arising in a curve ; F - friction forces counteracting the rotation of the bogie


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Movement of a Vehicle on Rail in a Curve

Understanding the mechanics of vehicle motion in a railway curve and accurate estimation of reaction forces, appearing due to the interaction between the moving vehicle and curved railroad is important for the safety of transportation and it is a significant part of railway vehicle design. In a curve, contact forces arise between the wheels and the rail in horizontal plane. That forces guide the bogie while moving inside the curve and aims to rotate it around axis perpendicular to the railway plane. At the points of contact between wheel and rail, frictional forces appear, counteracting bogie rotation.