Just so you do not end up like this guy, I am going to explain a few terms so the technical discussion is a little easier to follow. (Note: do not actually try to open a window in such a manner, you will most likely throw your shoulder out because mice have relatively low mass and it takes a heck of an arm to get them up to window cracking speed, aka "ludicrous speed" for you Space Balls fans). The terminology is as follows:
Electromagnetic Spectrum - The entire range of radiation covering the frequencies from 0 to approximately 10^23 hertz. In order of decreasing frequency the radiation goes, cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, UV radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves.
Driven Element - The element of a Yagi-Uda array that is connected to the signal generator. The remaining elements are known as directors or reflectors.
Dipole - A simple antenna with two equal length rods extending outward from each other in a straight line. When current passes through the dipole, radiation is emitted.
Reflector - The element of a Yagi-Uda array that reflects the focused signal back toward the driven element.
Directors - The elements of a Yagi-Uda array that direct and focus the signal towards the driven element and reflector.
Wavelength - The distance it takes for a waveform to propagate one cycle.
Frequency - The number of cycles a waveform completes in one second.
Gain - The measure of how much the signal is amplified by the antenna.
Current - A term referring to electrical charge passing through a medium.
Induced Current - Refers to the current that is produced in a medium when that medium is exposed to a magnetic field (and the medium is not directly coupled with the magnetic field source).