Before you start handing out your resume it is a good idea to do some research on your feild of interest. It is important to know what you are worth to employees so that you don't get the short end of the stick when it comes to salary, benefits and such.
For instance it might be in your best interest to stay in shool a few more years and obtain a masters degree and or a PhD because this would dramatically increase your chances of being hired and dramatically increase your salary.
According to the American Institute of Physics when they surveyed a sample of U.S. resident members of the AIP society their average salaries went as follows: a full-time employee with only a bachelors degree averaged $60,000 a year, a full-time employee with a masters degree averages $63,800
a year and a full-time employee with a PhD. averaged 78,000 a year.

This figure above shows the highest degree obtained by physics bachelors five to eight years after graduation.